Tegnosis The patent tool for searching and monitoring

Tegnosis – patent search, technology and competitor monitoring, patent management Tegnosis 3.0 is a web based tool for patent searches, tech­no­logy and com­pet­itor mon­it­or­ing. Com­ment and rate pat­ents and book­mark them to your folders. The multi-user tool is suit­able for product de­vel­op­ment teams and patent pro­fes­sion­als as well as for in­teg­rat­ing ex­ternal patent agents.


Tegnosis provides answers to the following questions:

  • How to pro­ceed with an iden­ti­fied patent which is con­sidered as im­port­ant?
  • How can I share my view on a patent with others?
  • How to link our own pat­ents to the product des­ig­na­tions used in­house?
  • Can I mon­itor pat­en­ted tech­no­lo­gies with as little ef­forts as pos­sible?


Analyse patent - compare images with the text, search in the text

Overview of features All you need for your patent searches and patent monitoring

Features in Detail

Search Patents

Tegnosis enables the user to search in all bibliographic data of a patent. Keywords will be marked and highlighted.


Patent Monitoring

The user specifies the technical scope to be watched and email notifications include links for each saved search. The link name corresponds to the title of the saved search. 


be notified when patents cites your watched patent (forward citations).

In addition be notified when new patents are published within a specific patent family or when changes are published with regard to the legal status of a specific patent.

Determine the watch interval and the users within the user group who shall receive the patent findings.

Determine the watch interval and the users within the user group who shall receive the patent findings.

Patent Database

Tegnosis has access to external databases (patent offices).

Easy to Operate

Beside extensive patent search functions, Tegnosis also allows users to manage patents. Patents can be annotated, rated and bookmarked in folders. The user can share such information with others.

Monitoring Your Field of Interest

The user is notified by email when new patent publications meet criteria of the saved search queries.

Local Contacts

Tegnosis is "made in Switzerland". Scambia Patent Services GmbH teaches basic knowledge about patent information on site and instructs new Tegnosis users. We actively support the users afterwards, when questions about Tegnosis usage arise or new software updates are introduced.


We configure Tegnosis to your technology and market fields so you get access to relevant patent information and consequently save time when screening the patent search results.

Fixed Price

We offer Tegnosis at a fixed yearly license fee, independent from how frequently you are going to use Tegnosis within your business unit.

Swiss technology

Our software is developed in Switzerland. Our customers' data is also hosted in Switzerland.

© Copyright 2013-2025 Scambia Patent Services GmbH