Patent Searches

Scambia methodology and access to patent databases, as well as the selection and processing of patent results, yields superior results for clients in terms of patentability assessment, avoidance of redundant developments, and infringement of third party patents.


Please contact us in order to arrange an appointment either at your office, or at Scandia, or via skype. We can advice you about how to proceed for a patent filing, following to a patent search.

Prior Art

The search is carried out to discover the relevant prior art in a particular technology field or for a specific technology. Usually carried out at the beginning of a development project or a redesign

Findings: Basis to decide whether to continue a development or to buy-in the technology. Assists in deciding to which developments are patentable.

Freedom-to-Operate (FTO)

An FTO search checks patents which are currently valid. It makes sense to run this search when design modifications are still feasable, but should should be done at latest by the time of market introduction.

Findings: Identify relevant third party patents that might conflict with client patent.

Novelty Search

An invention is considered to be new only if it does not form part of the state of the art and its novelty can be confirmed.

Findings: Establish whether the idea is novel and inventive, or merely an extension of known technology.

Presentation of the search results

The search results are commented and made available either via an excel sheet with link to patent details or via Tegnosis.

Patent mapping

For strategic questions such as

  • Who is active in which fields of technology
  • technical focus of competitors
  • "White Spot" analyses
  • Search for cooperation partners
  • Search for M&A candidates
  • Trends
we offer graphical analyses.

Magnetic circuit of dynamoelectric machines made of soft magnetic materials where as the rotor is axially facing the stator


Patent searches are charged based on the costs incurred, usually between 1000 und 2’800CHF.

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